How to Care for Root Canal Teeth

A root canal is a common procedure that a dentist uses to save a patient’s permanent teeth. This minimally invasive treatment works incredibly well. If you have a decayed or chipped tooth, you should talk to a dental professional. Taking quick action will ensure an optimal outcome. The last thing you want to do is postpone seeing a dentist if you suspect a problem.

Why a root canal?

The number one reason for having a root canal is to avoid a tooth extraction. When a dentist pulls a tooth, it alters a person’s smile. It also creates the possibility of other teeth shifting. If that happens, the patient could experience secondary issues. Performed in a dental office, patients breeze through this routine.


After having a root canal, it is extremely important for a patient to follow the dentist’s instructions. After returning home, the patient needs to adhere to the advice given by the dental professional. That way, the area involved will heal faster. Following the dentist’s orders will also reduce or eliminate any pain. In no time, the patient will be back to smiling.

1.Be careful eating

As part of the root canal procedure, the dentist numbs the patient’s mouth. Typically, the numbness lasts for several hours after the patient goes home. For that reason, people need to be careful of what they eat. Without realizing it, they could bite down on the inside of the cheek as opposed to food. Most dentists recommend that patients wait until all sensation returns before eating solids.


For at least the day of the root canal, the patient should relax. Although this procedure is minimally invasive, it is still oral surgery. People can take this opportunity to watch a good movie or finish reading a book. A few naps throughout the day would not hurt either.


It is common for patients to experience tenderness of the face and jaw after a root canal. For this, the dentist will likely recommend over-the-counter pain medication. An ice pack can also help with this and any swelling. If someone has extensive pain, the dentist who performed the root canal should be contacted right away.


While some swelling following a root canal is normal, when exceedingly visible, the patient should call the dentist. In some instances, this could be a sign of an infection. Also, some people have a reaction to the anesthetic used. That too can cause swelling as well as hives and itching. A patient should report anything out of the ordinary.

5.Oral hygiene

Even after a root canal, good oral hygiene is a must. That means brushing and flossing as usual. However, the patient should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush with gentle strokes. Most people find it surprising that these things do not cause pain. Instead, they help keep the mouth clean during the healing process.

Following the dentist’s orders

If you need to have a root canal done, make sure you listen to what your dentist says. The more you follow orders for aftercare, the better. Within a day or two, you will feel just fine. Even better, the dental professional is able to save your permanent tooth.

Request an appointment here: or call Simply Smiles Dentistry at (520) 368-3351 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

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